Nail Passion

Nail Art is my passion! This blog is all about nails :) I wanted to share my passion with others and be able to connect and follow others who share the same interests! I hope you enjoy my blog :) Feel free to comment, like, share and/or give feedback. (You can also find me on Facebook and Pinterest).

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Hello there! :) Today is day 7 of my 31 day challenge, which is Black and White Nails.

I decided to try a design I've seen all over, newspaper nails :) Have you guys seen them? They are so cute! My sister is the one who introduced them to me, she was so excited about them...that was over a year ago :S (lol) so I'm FINALLY doing them! Only instead of using newspaper and alcohol, I used water and magazine paper.

I wanted to try the newspaper look, but I wanted to add a little extra, so I added the little square things you can use to scan with your phone. Do you know what I'm talking about? The picture below of my thumb shows the design bigger.

I really like the look of this design, but I am such a perfectionist when it comes to my nails that this is not something I would do very often. It's super cute but it's hard to get the words to come out opaque every time, and I don't like the faded look.

I used a magazine, water and Sinful Colors, Snow Me White.

Here's another picture that shows my you can see it turned out better than the design on my ring finger. When I found the squares, the one I used on my ring finger was really small and the one on my thumb was pretty big. So, if you want to try this, I recommend finding the bigger squares :)

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